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What is the installation process of the exterior wall decorative board?

What is the installation process of the exterior wall decorative board?

Apr 27,2022

Next, let's take a look at the installation process of exterior wall decorative board. The exterior wall decorative board generally needs to be installed on the base of the wall and the ground before installation, first use the cement mortar to level the base, and then carry out the bullet-controlled layout and orderly layout design of the area. After determining the specific placement order of the cement decorative board, we can start the construction of the waterproof mortar for the cement decorative board. Press the alkali-resistant fiberglass cloth into the wall and the ground; then start the second coat of waterproof mortar after the first waterproof mortar is completely dry, and then glue and fix the purchased cement decorative board. Things to pay attention to, we'd better wet the surface of the cement decorative board with glaze water in advance before use, which will increase the adhesion between the cement decorative board and the base of the wall and the ground.