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The difference between left-handed screw and right-handed screw | high quality thread rod

The difference between left-handed screw and right-handed screw | high quality thread rod

Oct 09,2021

The difference between left-handed screw and right-handed screw

1. The spindle of the right-hand screw lathe rotates counterclockwise while the screw is turning overtime, and the spindle of the left-hand screw lathe rotates clockwise.
2. After assembling, use the motor with the same rotation direction, and the left and right screw will drive the worm wheel to produce the opposite effect. Of course, the left-handed screw is equipped with a left-handed worm wheel, and the right-handed screw is equipped with a right-handed worm wheel.
3. The left-right or right-handed screw can be used to distinguish the left-right screw on the drawing. Generally, the left-handed or right-handed screw will be marked on the drawing.
4. When the real object is judged, the right-handed screw is screwed in clockwise as the ordinary bolt is right-handed, otherwise it is right-handed screw

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